Date & Time Filters

In this page, you will learn about the ‘Date & Time Filters’.

Date & Time filters only affect entries.

Date Range

To use the date range, make sure you have the ‘Use Date Range’ option checked on.

You can then select the starting time and date, labeled ‘Start Date’, and you can select the end time and date, labeled ‘End Time.’ The date and time will automatically adjust to the timezone your chart is currently on.

Session (time of day)

To use a session time, make sure you have the ‘Use Session’ option checked on.

The ‘Timezone offset from UTC (in hours)’ input allows you to change the timezone for the session. For example, if your timezone is UTC-4, then you would enter ‘-4’ in that input.
Note: The default timezone for sessions is UTC time, it does not automatically adjust to your chart’s timezone, you need to change it manually with this input.

You can then select which times during the day an entry is valid with the ‘Session Time’ input.

Example 1: Let’s say you wanted to see how your strategy performed from January 1st 2022 - January 1st 2023. You would input it like this:

Example 2: Let’s say you wanted to see how your strategy performed when it only took entries from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm in EST timezone (UTC-4). You would input it like this: