Days On

In this page, you will learn about the ‘Days On’ filter.

‘Days On’ filters only affect entries.

The ‘Days On’ filter allows you to filter trade entries by days of the week. The ‘Days On’ option must be turned on to use this feature. If the ‘Days On’ option is turned off, then the StratBuilder will not filter out any days of the week.

The ‘Timezone offset from UTC (in hours)’ input allows you to change the timezone for the session. For example, if your timezone is UTC-4, then you would enter ‘-4’ in that input.
Note: The default timezone for ‘Days On’ is UTC time, it does not automatically adjust to your chart’s timezone, you need to change it manually with this input.

You can then select which days you want to accept entries by selecting the checkbox to the left of the day of the week.

Example: Let’s you say you only wanted to accept entries on Monday-Friday, and your timezone is EST (UTC-4). You would input it like this: